Mark Zuckerberg explains why he just changed Facebook's mission
"A lot of what we can do is to help create a more civil and productive debate on some of the bigger issues as well," Zuckerberg told CNN Tech's Laurie Segall in Chicago on Wednesday night. It was his first in-depth interview for television since 2012. Facebook ( FB , Tech30 ) debuted the new Groups features at the start of its first "Communities Summit" in Chicago. Three hundred Facebook Group administrators from across the country are attending the two-day event to hear speeches from Zuckerberg and other executives, and attend panels on topics like conflict resolution. The administrators represent the variety of groups that have sprung up on Facebook, including Mormon mothers supporting their gay children, people suffering from rare diseases, and mental health support for veterinarians, who have a surprisingly high rate of suicide. Related: Zuckerberg talks automation and immigration in Harvard speech On Facebook: 'I think we're doing OK...